Revolutionize Industries with Embedded Electronics

Optimize hardware functionality with efficient, compact code for embedded systems.


The embedded systems are becoming more and more complex with semiconductors seeping into the Automotive, Avionics, Industrial consumer and medical sectors and the productization of these systems requires a highly technical team and a sophisticated process. With a highly talented team on board, Cambay offers end-to-end product design services in the embedded domain from concept to manufacturing with experience in Automotive, Industrial, Manufacturing, Consumer and Medical.

We have professional experts and unique infrastructure and implement designing techniques to meet the highest standards of embedded solutions and help our clients to develop, design, productize, and maintain advanced, smarter & sophisticated Embedded Systems. Our solutions include hardware design, PCB design and development, software and firmware development, Middleware integration, Functional and pre-compliance testing support, Obsolescence Management LabView/TestStand-based ATE development, and Production and Certification support. This offers our customers a significant advantage with Cambay as a stop shop for all types of Embedded services.

Our experience in concept-to-manufacture insights, comprehensive engineering solutions, product lifecycle solutions and connections with major OEMs and Vendors enables us to scale traditional technologies to match the evolving ecosystem around embedded products, enhancing the consumer experience.


Embedded Hardware

Cambay, with years of knowledge and experience in reliable hardware engineering for high-precision elementary to high-end complex systems the solutions include schematic design, BoM scrub, obsolescence management, and re-design. We have expertise in OrCAD and Altium for schematic capture. We have the latest lab equipment and an experienced team for board bring-up and proto-functional testing. Well experienced with SoC, SoM, and multi-core processor-based designs.

Our Expertise

Analog, Digital and Mixed-signal Design

Sensor Interfacing

Obsolescence Management

Low Power DC-DC, AC-DC




Our design philosophy includes

Re-usability: quick product development

Scalability: quick product development

Adaptability on Various Platforms

Interoperability and co-existence

Testability: test coverage and diagnostics

Maintainability: long-term support and protection against obsolescence

Cambay has established external vendors to support the manufacture of the first prototypes, pre-compliance testing, and serial manufacturing.

Embedded Firmware

Our embedded systems team comprises of a large and talented pool of engineers and software developers who are equipped with competencies in a range of programming tools, microprocessors and real-time operating systems. For the new product development, we support our customers through feasibility study, architecture design, embedded software development, embedded systems programming and prototype testing. We have well experienced with wired and wireless communication protocol development, Motor Control firmware development with multi-core processors. 

Cambay provides services and solutions to address various embedded strategies across multiple domains. 

Our services include:

C, RToS and BareMetal programming

Application Software Development

Firmware Development

Board Support Package

Device Driver Development

PCB Design and Proto build

Cambay is among the leading PCB design companies providing engineering solutions to Tier 1 clients across multiple market segments. Our design engineers are driven to top-tier quality and service to meet customer needs from concept to complete product.

We deliver quality PCB Design Services including Schematic Capture, Library Development, PCB layout, Component placement and routing, Gerber generation and CAM validation.

We have established connections with external vendors for Component procurement, PCB Fabrication and Assembly. We also offer SI, PI, and Thermal Analysis for complex designs. We can accelerate PCB design cycles by providing round-the-clock support leveraging multiple time zones.

Our services include

Schematic Capture

Library Development

PCB Layout

Component Placement and Routing

Gerber Generation

Design Migration

CAM Validation

SI, PI and Thermal Analysis

Proto Build and Support for Serial Production





Verification and Validation:

Cambay offers test automation capability for use across a wide range of industries with experienced team on LabVIEW and TestStand. Also has well established lab setup for board bring-up and functional testing. Team is well experienced to understand the complete functional requirements and come-up with the test setup with automation and support for regression testing.  Also supporting customers to design test jigs as per the I/O and communication protocol requirements for Manual as well as automation testing. Team has good experience with LabVIEW and Python scripting.

Our services include

LabVIEW and TestStand

Python Scripting

System Level Testing

Prototype Functional Testing

Support for Pre-compliance Testing

Test Jigs for Production Testing

Support for Certification