Empower Product's Lifespan with Sustenance Solutions

Ensure ongoing product excellence and longevity with effective product sustenance strategies.


Rapid changes in technology and increasing competition have shortened product life cycles. This has impelled product companies to innovate constantly and roll-out new product lines. However, one cannot ignore the sustenance of the older products to ensure higher profits.

We provide Sustenance and support services, allowing clients to focus on future product lines and better use their resources. We provide end-to-end product Sustenance solutions to guarantee existing customers benefit from newer technologies and features while protecting their investment.


Cambay Engineering provides customizable programs combined with expertise and years of experience to help clients identify inventive ways to update the product range.

Key propositions

  • Complete Product Sustenance – Mechanical, Hardware & Software
  • Change Management – Material, Vendor, Mfg. Partner, Supply Chain, etc
  • Product Stability & Performance Improvements
  • Design Due Diligence and Functional Evaluation
  • Scheduled Releases with Feature Enhancements
  • Verification and Validation of Changes before release
  • Testing Automation to Reduce Release Cycle Time
  • Right Vendor/Partner Selection for Manufacturing in the US, China and India