Streamlined Verification & Validation

Efficiently validate and verify processes with VetCert, a comprehensive solution for streamlined verification and validation tasks.


Cambay offers test automation capability for use across a wide range of industries, with an experienced team on LabVIEW and TestStand. Also has a well-established lab setup for board set-up and functional testing. The team is well equipped to understand the complete functional requirements and come up with the test setup with automation and support for regression testing. Also supporting customers to design test jigs as per the I/O and communication protocol requirements for manual as well as automated testing. The team has good experience with LabVIEW and Python scripting.

Our services include

LabVIEW and TestStand

Python Scripting

System-Level Testing

Prototype functional testing

Support for pre-compliance testing

Test jigs for production testing

Support for Certification